Glow Sands Alive Starter Set

Play Visions

$ 24.99 

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Introducing the world‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_̴Ìös first Glow in the Dark Sand! Turn out the lights and be prepared to be totally amazed! GLOW STARTER SET INCLUDES 1 pound of GLOW Sand, UV LED Glasses, UV Pen Light and Play Tray. The Sands Alive! UV LED Eyeglasses offer the user a ‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎÌ_??hands free‰ۡóÁÌ_́ÌÎ_? way to continually charge up the sand and make it glow endlessly. With the UV Pen Light, you can write glowing messages, or draw any design in the Sand that will light up and glow! Can be used over and over again.Toy Insider selected Play Visions Sands Alive! Glow as their 2015 Award Winner for The Toy Insider Top Holiday Toys! Toy Insider awards are given for filling children's lives with toys that are creative, fun, and will provide hours of happiness.