Mozi Iridescent


$ 13.99 

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FROM RING TO ZING! – mozi is a set of carefully crafted rings which, when set in motion, mystically come to life, spinning in a gyroscopic display of light, color, and movement that’s as fun as it is beautiful.
FIND YOUR FLOW – To unlock the energy, place your hand through the rings, elevate, and release. Instantly springing into shape, mozi will begin moving up and down, from hand to hand, in a rhythm you create.
SHARE YOUR GROOVE – mozi can be shared between many people. By simply touching fingers, or holding onto the same object, you create a gateway for mozi to whirl from one person to the next.
STOP THE MOTION – To pause the dazzling arm slinky of mozi, hold the kaleidoscopic ball between your hands and turn your top hand counter clockwise. Watch as it quickly flattens for easy storage.
CREATIVITY FOR ALL – Though easy to use, mozi entertains for hours on end and is enjoyable for all ages. Great around the house, on vacation, at festivals, or as a gift, mozi is sure to excite, delight, and dazzle.