Mega Mantis

Elenco Electronics

$ 14.99 

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Almost lifelike; OWI's 351 aluminum insect building kit features a praying mantis insect that you assemble from metal and bendable aluminum parts. The average size of the scientifically named "stagmomantis carolina" is 3 to 4 inches in length. Mega Mantis is twice this size; henceforth; its name emerged. It is quite a remarkable carnivorous insect. Its spiny-like fore legs are used to catch and hold prey. OWI's bendable buddy is a little more user friendly. You can hold it; bend it; and even move its legs; wings; head and fore legs. The kit contains 25 hard and soft pre-punched aluminum parts; 7 screws; 7 nuts; 4 metal springs; and even assembly tools are included. Size : 7in x 4in x 4.5in